

  • birth(出生;诞生)这个单词怎么造句?

    He was born in 1970.他生于1970年。I haven't seen her for ages.我有很长时间没有看见她了。I'm an old hand at this game; you can't trick me. (喻)这玩意儿我是老手,你骗不了我。That speech is still famous.那个演说现在仍然很出名。Tomorrow our company will hold a beauty co...
  • 二十六个字母 26个英语怎么读

    上海数都信息科技有限公司是一家科技型的设计公司,团队深耕企业品牌设计服务已有十余年,已助力多家企业塑造其品牌形象及体验,服务内容含:LOGO设计/VI设计/产品包装设计/导视店面门头及空间设计,吉祥物设计/海报设计等。 我们的目标是帮助小...
  • 英语单词造句

    1.was born 出生於 I was born in Beijing.2.province 省 Henan is a province of China.3.village 村庄 I love my village.4.primary school 小学 Now I am studying in primary school.5.parent 父母 My parents lvoe me so much.6.Party 政党 He joined the Party last year.7.found...
  • 英语造句他出生在1990年6月6日的早上```(4个时间)

    He was born in the morning on June the sixth ,1990.
  • 我出生在上海用英语造句

    I was born in Shanghai.
  • 用bear 的过去式英语造句

    He bore much of the responsibility at that time 他那时承受了很大的责任 He bore all the cost 他负担了所有的费用 提醒一下,出生只能用 was born ,I bore in 21st这句话是不对的
  • 出生的造句出生的造句是什么

  • 英语求用15个词组造句

    1. The conflict has ended, and peace is on the horizon.2. I remained at my residence last evening.3. Jacky possesses a talent for vocal performance.4. I need to exercise caution during the examination.5. The antiquated volumes are layered in a fine film of dust.6. He is ...
  • 用英语语法造句子

    1. I water the plants on the balcony everyday.China has created plenty of glorious culture for human being's civilization.2. The desire of learning English well grows rapidly in my heart.Your work has ended now.3. My father bought me the computer I had been dreaming of ...
  • 用英语单词造句

    2 I wish I can fly. 要是我会飞就好了。3 we walked the length of the street. 我们走完了这整条街。4 his height makes him stand out in a crowd. 他高大的身材令他在人群中很突出。5 是不是birth she weighed eight pounds at birth.她出生时重八磅。6 是不是不beyond I know...
  • 用12个英语造句

    1.There are many people,one of them is my mom.2.He is a top student in our class.3.You must put on the coat because it's very cold today.4.He always reads newspaper at breakfast.5.You must make phone calls to me today.6.I met her on the way to school this ...
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