

  • 以我的网友为题写一扁英语作文不少于50词

    My net friend I am Tony. I a have a computer. I have a net friend. His name is Jack. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing the net. We often talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My English is good now. He is a good boy...
  • 《我的网友》英语作文五句

    My net friend I was 12 when I learned how to use Internet to chat. My first net friend called Jim. He is English. He is also a middle shool student. He is kind and friendly.I learn a lot from him. Such as how to send E-mail and how to use the internet in my stu...
  • 英语作文《My Netfriend(我的网友)》

    My Netfriend Not long ago,I made a netfriend when I used the computer to surf the Internet.We talked with each other in the chatroom.And my English improved very quickly for that we talked in English.Besides,I think that I can be a professional typist for I type very fast...
  • 我的网友 英语作文

    My name is Blair. My father bought a computer for me last year. I learned to search the Internet. I made a net friend on the Internet. Her name is Jessie. She lives in Guangzhou. We often talk to each other and we have many things in common. She introduces Guangzhou to ...
  • 求初一英语作文60词左右10篇

    我的网友(My Net Friend)I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the internet. One day, mom was not at home.I turned on the computer ...
  • 关于网友的英语作文

    We experienced the developement of our friendship.Thanks to the internet, I have the chance to make friends all over the world.译文:我的网友 互联网是一个在与朋友、大洋彼岸的人联系方面都很有用的工具。我上个月交了一个网友。在与她谈论了对待很多事情的观点后,我觉得我们很幸运能在...
  • 英语作文 我的网友

    I have a net friend. His name is Thomas. I don't know his real appearance but he did told me that he is thin and tall before. He is very helpful and understanding. He listens to my problems and help me. I am very happy to have a friend like him.50字 我有一个网友...
  • 英语作文我的网友作文五句话

    His likes play the piano. I would like play the piano. He doesn’t like study, he likes play. He and I both are good friend, we often play basketball together. I like writing now, but my friend doesn’t like writing. My study is hard-working and I am very kind. I ...
  • 我的网友(英语作文)

    My E-friend I have a e-friend,his name is Jack.We talk with echa other in the chatroom on my computer.Jack is an American school boy,so we talk in English.I think if i talk with him everyday,my English will be improved quickly,and i will type very fast.
  • 我的网友90词英语作文

    My friends have a bright and cheerful disposition, love to laugh very much! He is also active, naughty, but it's more that adds a lot of interest between us. Every smile every time is a friend of interest. I like very much, this friend.
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