

  • 关于七夕节的英文介绍

    七夕传统习俗 旧时风俗,农历七月七日夜(或七月六日夜),穿着新衣的少女们在庭院向织女星乞求智巧,称为“乞巧”。乞巧的方式大多是姑娘们穿针引线验巧,做些小物品赛巧,摆上些瓜果乞巧。近代的穿针引线、蒸巧馍馍、烙巧果子、生巧芽以及用面塑、剪纸、彩绣等形式做成的装饰品等亦是乞巧...
  • 七夕节英语怎么写?

    七夕节英文介绍:Qixi Festival, originating in China, is the earliest love festival in the world. Among the many folk customs of Qixi Festival, some gradually disappear, but a considerable part of it has been continued by people.In some Asian countries influenced by Chinese culture, ...
  • 如何用英语介绍七夕情人节?

    I. The Origin of Qixi Festival The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. According to legend, this festival originated from the story of a cowherd, Niulang, and a fairy, Zhinu. They fell in love, got...
  • 关于描述七夕的英语作文

    中文翻译:标题:七夕节的浪漫庆典 简介:七夕节,也被称为中国的情人节,是中国传统节日,在农历七月初七庆祝。这是情侣们表达彼此爱意和情感的时刻。在本文中,我们将探索七夕节的意义以及它是如何庆祝的。 正文: 历史和文化意义: 七夕节起源于一个关于牛郎织女的美丽的中国传说。 它象征着两位因银河相隔而每年只能在...
  • 关于七夕的英语作文

    Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand)。 His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven ...
  • 关于七夕节的英语作文80个单词

    Double Seventh Festival The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal ...
  • 用英语表述七夕节的来龙去脉

    The Tanabata Festival, also known as the hungry ghost festival, Chinese Valentine's day or seven sisters Festival, originated in China, is a Chinese area and partlyinfluenced by the Han culture in East Asia traditional festival in lunar Chuqi Julycelebration. From the legend of the ...
  • 帮我写一篇关于七夕情人节的英语小短文(20个词即可)

    Tanabata is a traditional Chinese festival ,from the legend of cowboy and vega's love story .on this day ,couples spend together, do some romantic things. it is the most important festival to show love for chinese.七夕是中国的传统节日 来源于牛郎织女的传说。在这一天 情侣们在一起...
  • 用定语从句写一篇关于七夕节的英语作文

    The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At...
  • 用英语来描述一下七夕节的来历,要简短,中文也要有

    英文:The legend of Cowherd and Weaver Girl on the Double Seventh Festival originated from people's worship of natural celestial phenomena.As early as in ancient times, the ancients who pursued order not only planned the sky in good order, but also corresponded the stars with the ...
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