in a bad mood a little tired
“心情烦闷,情绪低沉,学习积极性不高,学习效果不好”--- a bad mood, a low spirit and an inferior learning initiative ( resulting in ) a bad effect
Recently, the mood is very depressed 最近的心情很郁闷
二、烦闷 白话释义:心情郁闷不畅快。出处:《红楼梦》第二二回:“想到此处,甚觉烦闷,大有悲戚之感。”朝代:清 作者:曹雪芹 三、深沉 白话释义:意思是指深而不外露、程度深、声音低沉,心情不太愉悦。出处:《汉书·王嘉传》:“相(梁相)计谋深沉。”朝代:东汉 作者:史学家班固 翻译:...
In (the) English (language), BLUE is often used to refer to ( the feeling of) someone is down in spirits , mood depression and sad distressed. 参见 http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/colorselection/p/blue.htmhttp://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071024062237AAFE...
I'm always very depressed
I ’m unhappy.
心情很烦躁的英文表达为:Feeling very agitated.以下是详细的解释:第一段:烦躁的情绪表达 当人们遇到压力、困难或者不如意的事情时,常常会产生烦躁的情绪。这种情绪在英语中可以用“feeling agitated”来表达。Agitated这个词意味着心情被搅乱,感到不安和焦躁。第二段:文化背景下的情感翻译 在翻译情感...
I am not happy,I don't want to speak anything