

  • 重拾信心用英语怎么说?

    重拾信心,英语是: restore the confidence。详细解释:restore 英[rɪˈstɔ:(r)] 美[rɪˈstɔr, -ˈstor]vt. 修复; 归还; 交还; 使恢复;vt. 恢复(某种情况或感受); 使复原; 使复位; 使复职;[例句]The army has recently been br...
  • 重拾信心用英文怎么说

    Gaining Back one's Faith;regain confidence, to;To have the faith
  • 重拾自信英语怎么说

    To restore confidence
  • 帮忙把几句话翻译成英文!

    1 我不想这样。I don't want to be like this.2 我不是你肚子里的蛔虫。I am not a roundworm in your stomach, in other words, I don't know what you are thinking about.3 世界不会因你而改变。The world will be never changed because of you.4 重拾信心。找回自己 。Get back...
  • 重拾英语英语怎么说

    问题一:重拾自己用英语怎么翻译 Pick yourself up 百度翻译的答案 问题二:重拾信心用英语翻译是什么?急急急!! once more I feel my heart.问题三:零基础学英语 每天30分钟,在线学习,重拾英语水平! 不持之以恒,英语就学不会,这是因为英语是一门十分注重积累的学科。如果能接受这个观点,...
  • 张杰最接近天堂的地方的英文版stand up的中文翻译是什么 ?

    重拾信心让你的心去抉择 Find out Silent fire 找出寂静燃烧的火 Open up your eyes and light 睁开你的双眼让光芒闪烁 Don’t let it gone the day go by 不要让这些憧憬随时光流逝 Don’t give up stand up 不要对生命失去希望 Even though but you don’t know the answer 即使如此你却...
  • 信心用英语怎么说

    信心的英语说法1:confidence 信心的英语说法2:faith 信心的相关 短语 :增强信心 Increasing Confidence ; To enhance confidence ; boost confidence ; heighten one's confidence 信心百倍 Brimming with confidence 满怀信心 Look at the bright side ; With confidence ; guter Dinge sein ; ...
  • 求~~~写给上帝的信中插曲《You Give Me Hope》的英文歌词!!!

  • ...事例去鼓励他,让他重拾信心。英语作文。求英语大神解答

    Dear Ming,i am sorry to hear that you lost an arm in an accident. how much better do you recovery now?it is a hard time for you, we have same feeling as you have too. whoever he is, it can be a great challenge to live without arm. since it had happend, you have ...
  • 重拾快乐 英文

    Jones has kept a popular blog and spoken widely about restoring the joys of youth to young people obsessed with their resumes.2、就是这个方法让我提高很快,重拾信心和快乐。This method helped me greatly and restored my confidence and happiness.英文翻译要点 1、理解文本含义:确保准确地...

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