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轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法

来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-27 22:17:19

轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法

轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法:Cookie是网站设计者放置在客户端的小文本文件,一般后台语言使用的比较多,可以实现用户个性化的一些需求。js-cookie插件是一个JS操作cookie的插件,源文件只有3.34 KB,非常轻量级。js-cookie也支持npm和Bower安装和管理。下面看看js-cookie的具体
导读轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法:Cookie是网站设计者放置在客户端的小文本文件,一般后台语言使用的比较多,可以实现用户个性化的一些需求。js-cookie插件是一个JS操作cookie的插件,源文件只有3.34 KB,非常轻量级。js-cookie也支持npm和Bower安装和管理。下面看看js-cookie的具体

Read all visible cookies:

Cookies.get(); // => { name: 'value' }

Delete cookie:


Delete a cookie valid to the path of the current page:

Cookies.set('name', 'value', { path: '' });
Cookies.remove('name'); // fail!
Cookies.remove('name', { path: '' }); // removed!

IMPORTANT! When deleting a cookie, you must pass the exact same path and domain attributes that were used to set the cookie, unless you're relying on the default attributes.

Note: Removing a nonexistent cookie does not raise any exception nor return any value.

Namespace conflicts

If there is any danger of a conflict with the namespace Cookies, the noConflict method will allow you to define a new namespace and preserve the original one. This is especially useful when running the script on third party sites e.g. as part of a widget or SDK.

// Assign the js-cookie api to a different variable and restore the original "window.Cookies"

var Cookies2 = Cookies.noConflict();
Cookies2.set('name', 'value');

Note: The .noConflict method is not necessary when using AMD or CommonJS, thus it is not exposed in those environments.


js-cookie provides unobtrusive JSON storage for cookies.

When creating a cookie you can pass an Array or Object Literal instead of a string in the value. If you do so, js-cookie will store the string representation of the object according to JSON.stringify:

Cookies.set('name', { foo: 'bar' });

When reading a cookie with the default Cookies.get api, you receive the string representation stored in the cookie:

Cookies.get('name'); // => '{"foo":"bar"}'
Cookies.get(); // => { name: '{"foo":"bar"}' }

When reading a cookie with the Cookies.getJSON api, you receive the parsed representation of the string stored in the cookie according to JSON.parse:

Cookies.getJSON('name'); // => { foo: 'bar' }
Cookies.getJSON(); // => { name: { foo: 'bar' } }

Note: To support IE6-7 (and IE 8 compatibility mode) you need to include the JSON-js polyfill: https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js




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轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法

轻量级JS Cookie插件js-cookie的使用方法:Cookie是网站设计者放置在客户端的小文本文件,一般后台语言使用的比较多,可以实现用户个性化的一些需求。js-cookie插件是一个JS操作cookie的插件,源文件只有3.34 KB,非常轻量级。js-cookie也支持npm和Bower安装和管理。下面看看js-cookie的具体
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