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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-27 16:20:05


ApacheWicket6.22.0/7.2.0发布_html/css_WEB-ITnose:Apache Wicket 发布了两个更新版本,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开
导读ApacheWicket6.22.0/7.2.0发布_html/css_WEB-ITnose:Apache Wicket 发布了两个更新版本,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开

Apache Wicket 发布了两个更新版本,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开发方式与C/S相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少,而且容易定位)。


CHANGELOG for 7.2.0:** Bug * [WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page withqueued components missing in the markup * [WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component modelsbecome null on submit * [WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error * [WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing ',' or ';' gives problems * [WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget * [WICKET-6013] - CLONE - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorderwicketOrder[Up|Down|None] class missing in 7.1.0 * [WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaksOnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2 * [WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale * [WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really "transparent" * [WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINELfrom the cache * [WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException inMarkupContainer#iterator#next * [WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border andLoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0 * [WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested  * [WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup ofinner component not found * [WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while ithad a non-empty queue * [WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource()when there is no request * [WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect * [WICKET-6034] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder does not generate anyCSS class in order link * [WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label * [WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injectionthrough title model * [WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued componentin ListView * [WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior:Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948 * [WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize isset explicitly * [WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong * [WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement)causes 400 bad request * [WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap * [WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges * [WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolveautocomponents in its parent * [WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation * [WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() andother properties which are available in the handshake request * [WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could besupported with ... * [WICKET-6065] - Callinghttp://examples7x.wicket.apache.org/resourceaggregation/ generateInternal error * [WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped inApplication_de.properties * [WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure * [WICKET-6077] - Border's body is not added as a child due to dequeuing** Improvement * [WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implementIObjectClassAwareModel * [WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue * [WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should supportupdateAjaxAttributes() idiom * [WICKET-6019] - Remove 'final' modifier forLocalizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods * [WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater * [WICKET-6029] - Make Border's methods consistent with commit f14e03f * [WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application showsdeployment memory leak in Tomcat * [WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer * [WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for theWebSocketResponse & WebSocketRequest * [WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey * [WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons * [WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to useJSR-356 web sockets** New Feature * [WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java's NIO API * [WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component** Task * [WICKET-6049] - Update the site to point to the new deploymentsof the examples * [WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1 * [WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0** Wish * [WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents formsubmit on ENTER
CHANGELOG for 6.22.0:** Bug * [WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error * [WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale * [WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINELfrom the cache * [WICKET-6030] - Support/META-INF/services/org.apache.wicket.IInitializer (backport to 6.x) * [WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect * [WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injectionthrough title model * [WICKET-6040] - DebugBar not serializable exception * [WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior:Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948 * [WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong * [WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement)causes 400 bad request * [WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap * [WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation * [WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() andother properties which are available in the handshake request * [WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could besupported with ... * [WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped inApplication_de.properties * [WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the urlcontains a request parameter with same name as wicket id * [WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments * [WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler causememory leak in browser * [WICKET-6087] - InvalidAbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package -cannot create a custom implementation** Improvement * [WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implementIObjectClassAwareModel * [WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue * [WICKET-6019] - Remove 'final' modifier forLocalizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods * [WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer * [WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for theWebSocketResponse & WebSocketRequest * [WICKET-6073] - Use NIO Jetty connector for the quickstart * [WICKET-6081] - Add "assertNotRequired" to the WicketTester** Task * [WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0

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ApacheWicket6.22.0/7.2.0发布_html/css_WEB-ITnose:Apache Wicket 发布了两个更新版本,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开
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