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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-27 16:04:06


JetBrainsIntelliJ平台中的LESSCSScompiler插件_html/css_WEB-ITnose:LESS Compiler 能够监控 LESS 文件,当它一有变化时将自动编译成CSS。这个插件只适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 11+, PhpStorm 5+, 和 WebStorm 5+平台。它具有以下特性: Recursive Directory Monitoring LESS Compiler
导读JetBrainsIntelliJ平台中的LESSCSScompiler插件_html/css_WEB-ITnose:LESS Compiler 能够监控 LESS 文件,当它一有变化时将自动编译成CSS。这个插件只适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 11+, PhpStorm 5+, 和 WebStorm 5+平台。它具有以下特性: Recursive Directory Monitoring LESS Compiler

LESS Compiler 能够监控 LESS 文件,当它一有变化时将自动编译成CSS。这个插件只适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 11+, PhpStorm 5+, 和 WebStorm 5+平台。它具有以下特性:

  1. Recursive Directory Monitoring

    LESS Compiler watches directories (and subdirectories) for changes to LESS files and automatically compiles them to CSS when they are saved in the editor (or when IntelliJ detects that they were modified outside the IDE).

    You can monitor as many LESS directories as you like. You can also specify as many output directories as you like so that compiled CSS files will be copied to multiple locations (e.g., a local src directory under version control and a mounted target directory on a remote server).

    The directory structure of the output CSS directories will be identical to the structure of the source LESS directory.

  2. @import Dependency Resolution

    Files that @import a modified LESS file will be re-compiled automatically.

    For example, if home.less, about.less, and contact.less all @import "common.less", modifyingcommon.less will cause all three dependents to be re-compiled as well.

  3. Include / Exclude File Patterns

    Prevent specific LESS files from being compiled by specifying include / exclude patterns (glob) that match against filename, folder name, or any part of the complete path to the LESS file.

  4. Move, Copy, and Delete Detection

    When a LESS file is moved, copied, or deleted, LESS Compiler will offer to do the same to the corresponding CSS file(s).

  5. Virtual Filesystem Notifications

    Unlike other solutions, this plugin is smart enough to notify IntelliJ when CSS files are changed, moved, copied, or deleted. In most cases, updated CSS files will be immediately reflected in the editor and Project tree view.

  6. Selective Compilation

    If the plugin somehow fails to catch changes to a LESS file, simply right-click anywhere in the editor or Project tree and select "Compile to CSS". You can also compile an entire directory by right-clicking on it in the Project tree.

  7. Error Notifications

    Any errors encountered during the compilation process will produce an error notification balloon in the IDE containing a link to the file and the line number that caused the error

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JetBrainsIntelliJ平台中的LESSCSScompiler插件_html/css_WEB-ITnose:LESS Compiler 能够监控 LESS 文件,当它一有变化时将自动编译成CSS。这个插件只适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 11+, PhpStorm 5+, 和 WebStorm 5+平台。它具有以下特性: Recursive Directory Monitoring LESS Compiler
标签: html css web
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