时间:2023-06-21 18:16:14
绿海龟得名于其翠绿色的外壳和适应海洋生活的特征。The green sea turtle is named after its distinctive green-colored shell. As marine creatures, green sea turtles have a body covered in emerald green scales, making them easily recognizable in the ocean. They have a relatively large head with a beak-like mouth and a hard beak, which is well-suited for biting and feeding on seaweed and seagrass. Their flipper-like limbs are adapted for swift swimming in the water but are clumsy on land. These characteristics collectively contribute to the origin of the name green sea turtle. Core idea: The green sea turtle is named after its green shell and features that enable it to thrive in marine habitats.
导读绿海龟得名于其翠绿色的外壳和适应海洋生活的特征。The green sea turtle is named after its distinctive green-colored shell. As marine creatures, green sea turtles have a body covered in emerald green scales, making them easily recognizable in the ocean. They have a relatively large head with a beak-like mouth and a hard beak, which is well-suited for biting and feeding on seaweed and seagrass. Their flipper-like limbs are adapted for swift swimming in the water but are clumsy on land. These characteristics collectively contribute to the origin of the name green sea turtle. Core idea: The green sea turtle is named after its green shell and features that enable it to thrive in marine habitats.
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绿海龟得名于其翠绿色的外壳和适应海洋生活的特征。The green sea turtle is named after its distinctive green-colored shell. As marine creatures, green sea turtles have a body covered in emerald green scales, making them easily recognizable in the ocean. They have a relatively large head with a beak-like mouth and a hard beak, which is well-suited for biting and feeding on seaweed and seagrass. Their flipper-like limbs are adapted for swift swimming in the water but are clumsy on land. These characteristics collectively contribute to the origin of the name green sea turtle. Core idea: The green sea turtle is named after its green shell and features that enable it to thrive in marine habitats.