时间:2023-06-21 18:16:35
越南人对法国人的情感是复杂而多样的,不仅仇恨,还包括合作与友谊。Translation:The Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is not universally hatred but rather complex and diverse. Historically, French colonial rule brought long-term suffering and exploitation to Vietnam, leading to some Vietnamese harboring dissatisfaction and anger towards the French. However, over time and with the development of bilateral relations, many Vietnamese have moved beyond hatred towards the French and focus more on cooperation and friendship between the two countries. Core idea: Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is complex and diverse, encompassing not only hatred but also cooperation and friendship.
导读越南人对法国人的情感是复杂而多样的,不仅仇恨,还包括合作与友谊。Translation:The Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is not universally hatred but rather complex and diverse. Historically, French colonial rule brought long-term suffering and exploitation to Vietnam, leading to some Vietnamese harboring dissatisfaction and anger towards the French. However, over time and with the development of bilateral relations, many Vietnamese have moved beyond hatred towards the French and focus more on cooperation and friendship between the two countries. Core idea: Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is complex and diverse, encompassing not only hatred but also cooperation and friendship.
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越南人对法国人的情感是复杂而多样的,不仅仇恨,还包括合作与友谊。Translation:The Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is not universally hatred but rather complex and diverse. Historically, French colonial rule brought long-term suffering and exploitation to Vietnam, leading to some Vietnamese harboring dissatisfaction and anger towards the French. However, over time and with the development of bilateral relations, many Vietnamese have moved beyond hatred towards the French and focus more on cooperation and friendship between the two countries. Core idea: Vietnamese people's sentiment towards the French is complex and diverse, encompassing not only hatred but also cooperation and friendship.