# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os; folderA = "F:\Projects\FreeImageV3_14_1\".lower(); folderB = u"E:\Software\图像解码库\FreeImage3141\FreeImage\".lower(); filePathsA = {}; filePathsB = {}; for root,dirs,files in os.walk(folderA): for fileName in files: filePathsA[(root + "\" + fileName).lower()] = 1; for root,dirs,files in os.walk(folderB): for fileName in files: filePathsB[(root + "\" + fileName).lower()] = 1; # 在filePathsA中,找到所有和filePathsB中不一致的文件的路径 modifiedFilePath = []; addedFilePath = []; for filePathA in filePathsA: folderALen = len(folderA); filePathB = folderB + filePathA[folderALen:]; idx = filePathA.rfind("."); if idx == -1: continue; ext = filePathA[idx + 1:]; ext = ext.lower(); if ext != "c" and ext != "h" and ext != "cpp" and ext != "cxx": continue; if filePathB not in filePathsB: addedFilePath.append(filePathA); continue; text_file = open(filePathA, "r"); textA = text_file.read(); text_file.close(); text_file = open(filePathB, "r"); textB = text_file.read(); text_file.close(); if textA != textB: modifiedFilePath.append(filePathA); output = open('res.txt', 'w'); output.write("added files: "); for filePath in addedFilePath: output.write(filePath + " "); output.write("modified files: "); for filePath in modifiedFilePath: output.write(filePath + " "); output.close();
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