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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 13:23:51


CompressingLargeDataSetsinRedisWithGzip:Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip: When publishing it, the post dropped the quote and my comments. A long post analyzing different scenarios of compressing data stored in Redis using Gzip: Year and a half ago, I was working wi
导读CompressingLargeDataSetsinRedisWithGzip:Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip: When publishing it, the post dropped the quote and my comments. A long post analyzing different scenarios of compressing data stored in Redis using Gzip: Year and a half ago, I was working wi

Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip: When publishing it, the post dropped the quote and my comments. A long post analyzing different scenarios of compressing data stored in Redis using Gzip: Year and a half ago, I was working wi

Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip:

When publishing it, the post dropped the quote and my comments.

A long post analyzing different scenarios of compressing data stored in Redis using Gzip:

Year and a half ago, I was working with a software that used Redis as a buffer to store large sets of text data. We had some bottlenecks there. 
of them was related to Redis and the large amount of data, that we had there
(large comparing to RAM amount). Since then, I’ve wanted to check if using
Gzip would be a big improvement or would it be just a next bottleneck (CPU).
Unfortunately I don’t have access to this software any more, that’s why I’ve
decided to create a simple test case just to check this matter.

If what’s important is the speed, I think algorithms like snappy and lzo are a better fit. If data density is important, then Zopfli is probably a better fit.

Original title and link: Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

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CompressingLargeDataSetsinRedisWithGzip:Compressing Large Data Sets in Redis With Gzip: When publishing it, the post dropped the quote and my comments. A long post analyzing different scenarios of compressing data stored in Redis using Gzip: Year and a half ago, I was working wi
标签: re data large
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