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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 13:18:40


SeptemberMongoDBNews:September was a big month. MongoDB 2.5.2 was released, MongoDB World was announced, MMS received a large feature update, and a number of MongoDB Drivers were released as well. Heres a roundup of September news from the MongoDB newsletter:
导读SeptemberMongoDBNews:September was a big month. MongoDB 2.5.2 was released, MongoDB World was announced, MMS received a large feature update, and a number of MongoDB Drivers were released as well. Heres a roundup of September news from the MongoDB newsletter:

September was a big month. MongoDB 2.5.2 was released, MongoDB World was announced, MMS received a large feature update, and a number of MongoDB Drivers were released as well. Heres a roundup of September news from the MongoDB newsletter:

September was a big month. MongoDB 2.5.2 was released, MongoDB World was announced, MMS received a large feature update, and a number of MongoDB Drivers were released as well. Here’s a roundup of September news from the MongoDB newsletter:

MongoDB Announcements
  • Faceted Search with MongoDB: Faceted search, or faceted navigation, is a way of browsing and searching for items in a set of data by applying filters on various properties (facets) of the items in the collection. Faceted search makes it easy for users to navigate to the specific item or items they are interested in. It complements more free-form keyword search by facilitating exploration and discovery and is therefore useful when a user may not know the specific keywords they wish to search on. Learn how to implement faceted search with MongoDB
  • From Relational Databases to MongoDB - What You Need to Know: In this webinar on October 17, we’ll take a dive into how MongoDB works to better understand what non-relational design is, why we might use it and what advantages it gives us over relational databases. We’ll develop schema designs from examples, and consider strategies for scaling out.
  • MongoDB World: MongoDB has brought together more than 20,000 developers, IT professionals and executives in communities around the world. Now, MongoDB World will bring together this community in one place. Join us June 23-25 in New York City.
  • MMS Backup Feature Update*: MMS Backup now includes the ability to exclude databases and collections, permitting you to adjust the backup service to your needs and tune costs.
  • MongoDB Releases
  • PHP Driver 1.4.4
  • Morphia 0.105
  • Java 2.11.3
  • PyMongo 2.6.2
  • MongoDb 2.5.2 (unstable) available for testing
  • Get MongoDB updates straight to your inbox each month. Sign up for the MongoDB Newsletter.

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    SeptemberMongoDBNews:September was a big month. MongoDB 2.5.2 was released, MongoDB World was announced, MMS received a large feature update, and a number of MongoDB Drivers were released as well. Heres a roundup of September news from the MongoDB newsletter:
    标签: sep mongodb mongod
    • 热门焦点



