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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 13:04:19


Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错:Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错 Oracle Internal Errors – ORA-600, ORA-60* Core dumps – ORA-7445 Signals – SEGV, SIGBUS ORA-4020 Deadlock detected while trying to lock a library
导读Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错:Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错 Oracle Internal Errors – ORA-600, ORA-60* Core dumps – ORA-7445 Signals – SEGV, SIGBUS ORA-4020 Deadlock detected while trying to lock a library

Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错 Oracle Internal Errors – ORA-600, ORA-60* Core dumps – ORA-7445 Signals – SEGV, SIGBUS ORA-4020 Deadlock detected while trying to lock a library object. ORA-8103 Object no longer exists. The objec


  • Oracle Internal Errors – ORA-600, ORA-60*
  • Core dumps – ORA-7445
  • Signals – SEGV, SIGBUS
  • ORA-4020 – Deadlock detected while trying to lock a library object.
  • ORA-8103 – Object no longer exists. The object has been deleted by another user since the operation began, or a prior incomplete recovery restored the database to a point in time during the deletion of the object.
  • ORA-1410 – Invalid ROWID
  • ORA-1578 – ORACLE data block corrupted, mostly due to software errors. The file#, block# will be displayed.
  • ORA-29740 – This member was evicted from the group by another member of the cluster database for one of several reasons, which may include a communications error in the?cluster, failure to issue a heartbeat to the control file, etc. The member doing the evicting and the group incarnation will be displayed.
  • ORA-255 – Database is not mounted. Database must be mounted to perform ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command.
  • ORA-376 – File cannot be read at this time. Attempting to read from a file that is not readable. Most likely the file is offline.
  • ORA-4030 – Out of process memory when trying to allocate more bytes because the operating system process private memory has been exhausted.
  • ORA-4031 – Unable to allocate more bytes of shared memory because more shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.
  • ORA-355 – The change numbers are out of order. A change number found in the redo log is lower than a previously encountered change number. The log is corrupted in some way.
  • ORA-356 – Inconsistent lengths in change description. A change record in the redo log contains lengths that do not add up to a consistent value. The log is corrupted in some?way.
  • ORA-353 – There is a log corruption near a block, change, and time Some type of redo log corruption has been discovered. This error describes the location of the corruption.
  • 如果自己搞不定可以找诗檀软件专业ORACLE数据库修复团队成员帮您恢复!


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    Related posts:

    1. 【Oracle数据恢复】Redo Log重做日志文件坏块Corruption的解决 ORA-16038 ORA-00354 ORA-00353 ORA-00367 ORA-01624
    2. ORA-1624与redo log损坏
    3. EVENT:10212 check cluster integrity
    4. EVENT:10211 check index block integrity
    5. block change tracking buffer space
    6. EVENT:10210 check data block integrity
    7. latch: shared pool等待事件
    8. Oracle Controlfile控制文件中记录的信息片段sections
    9. Oracle内部视图:x$targetrba
    10. ORA-00600 [KCBZPB_1], [59033077], [4], [1], [] example

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    Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错:Oracle数据库常见损坏/坏块Corruption报错 Oracle Internal Errors – ORA-600, ORA-60* Core dumps – ORA-7445 Signals – SEGV, SIGBUS ORA-4020 Deadlock detected while trying to lock a library
    标签: 损坏 数据库 常见
    • 热门焦点



