鄙人的minion id是docker,对应的pillar的top.sls内容配置为:
root@docker:/srv/pillar# cat top.sls base: docker: - proxyminion
root@docker:/srv/pillar# cat proxyminion.sls proxy: rest_sample: proxytype: rest_sample url: id: proxy_docker
定义好pillar数据之后,需要为之添加对应的proxy conn class和grains数据,这里鄙人使用官方sample,就偷个懒:
root@docker:/srv/pillar# cat /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/proxy/rest_sample.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This is a simple proxy-minion designed to connect to and communicate with the bottle-based web service contained in salt/tests/rest.py. Note this example needs the 'requests' library. Requests is not a hard dependency for Salt ''' ……
放心,2014.1.7版本已经默认有这个sample代码。 接下来,直接test.ping试试吧!
root@docker:/srv/pillar# salt '*' test.ping -v Executing job with jid 20140720110315049478 ------------------------------------------- docker: True rest_sample-localhost: True
诶,等一下,为什么多出来个key?为什么还能test.ping通?没错!这个就是ProxyMinion,而salt默认已经配置了test.ping方法兼容proxy minion了,只要写好对应的ping模块,就可以使用常规的test.ping来探测!(本例的ping代码如下)
def ping(self): ''' Is the REST server up? ''' r = requests.get(self.url+'ping') try: if r.status_code == 200: return True else: return False except Exception: return False
rest_sample还提供很多function,比如鄙人测试的一个service_status,修改对应的模块代码即可使之兼容proxy minion(代码路径为/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/modules/service.py):
def status(name, sig=None): ''' Return the status for a service, returns the PID or an empty string if the service is running or not, pass a signature to use to find the service via ps CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' service.status [service signature] ''' #wjx add, denote it to work!! #if 'proxyobject' in __opts__: # return __opts['proxyobject'].service_status(sig if sig else name) return __salt__['status.pid'](sig if sig else name)
那么这时候再看看当前proxy minion管理的服务状态咋样了:
root@docker:/srv/pillar# salt '*' service.status apache rest_sample-localhost: ---------- comment: stopped ret: True docker: False
root@docker:/srv/pillar# salt 'rest_sample-localhost' grains.items rest_sample-localhost: housecat: Are you kidding? kernel: 0.0000001 location: In this darn virtual machine. Let me out! os: RestExampleOS os_family: proxy
Awesome!!这样一来,一个基本的salt proxy minion就算是配置完成,Proxy Minion 的类定义代码位于/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/minion.py,有兴趣可以看看。
鄙人在本机测试时,Minion Docker在尝试fork出一个ProxyMinion过程中间报错,说_running参数没有配置,在添加代码后通过(即位于minion.py代码里)
class ProxyMinion(Minion): ''' This class instantiates a 'proxy' minion--a minion that does not manipulate the host it runs on, but instead manipulates a device that cannot run a minion. ''' def __init__(self, opts, timeout=60, safe=True): # pylint: disable=W0231 ''' Pass in the options dict ''' #wjx add, maybe a bug self._running = None # Warn if ZMQ < 3.2 if HAS_ZMQ and (not(hasattr(zmq, 'zmq_version_info')) or zmq.zmq_version_info() < (3, 2)): ……
Proxy minion使得salt针对网管设备的配置管理成为可能,不过想要实现一个ProxyType的ProxyMinion的完全管理,可能需要编写很多额外的module去支持它的运行。
原文地址:Saltstack 新特性测试之proxy minion, 感谢原作者分享。
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