In this Document Goal Solution Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.2] Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal What are the steps to move the RAC database OR
In this Document
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Solution |
What are the steps to move the RAC database ORACLE_HOME from one location(filesystem) to another one?
This note is for database home only and does not apply to CRS or GI home.
Execute all the following as database user:
Solution 1:
1. Install a new set of RAC binaries with OUI into a new home
2. Apply all patches that have been installed in the old home, use "opatch lsinventory" to compare the old and new home once all patches are applied.
3. Copy over init{ORACLE_SID}.ora in dbs directory from the old home to the new home on all nodes
4. Copy over network files (listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora) in network/admin directory from the old home to the new home on all nodes
5. Shutdown the database with srvctl from the old database home: srvctl stop database -d
6. Modify the database resource as with srvctl from the old database home: srvctl modify database -d -o
7. Start the database with srvctl from the new database home: srvctl start database -d
Solution 2: (Clone)
1. Copy existing RAC binaries to a new location and keep the same ownership/permission on any node: cp -rp
2. Execute:
3. Extend the new home to other nodes:
4. Go to Step3 of "Solution 1"
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