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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 08:12:53


一些自己实践得出的技巧1:locate xboing test tar -cvf xboing.tar -T test gzip xboing.tar cp xboing.tar.gz /mnt/usb the above command can copy a software which have been installed on someone system to your own system^-^ #!/bin/sh for fname in *;do tmp=`echo $fname|t
导读一些自己实践得出的技巧1:locate xboing test tar -cvf xboing.tar -T test gzip xboing.tar cp xboing.tar.gz /mnt/usb the above command can copy a software which have been installed on someone system to your own system^-^ #!/bin/sh for fname in *;do tmp=`echo $fname|t

locate xboing test tar -cvf xboing.tar -T test gzip xboing.tar cp xboing.tar.gz /mnt/usb the above command can copy a software which have been installed on someone system to your own system^-^ #!/bin/sh for fname in *;do tmp=`echo $fname|t

locate xboing > test
tar -cvf xboing.tar -T test
gzip xboing.tar
cp xboing.tar.gz /mnt/usb
the above command can copy a software which have been installed on someone system to your own system^-^
for fname in *;do
tmp=`echo $fname|tr [a-z] [A-Z]` #note ,tr can't act like this'tr fname [a-z] [A-Z]'
# it must run as this'tr #so,if you want rename a file list,you must redirect tr's stdin to some command's stdout
mv $fname $tmp
the above code cost me lots of time!^-^
it can rename file name in your current dir from lowercase to upper case
this is very useful while you untar a tarball which is tared in a dos/windows system

date +%m-%d-%Y
the above cmd can output current time in MM-DD-YYYY format

tr -s '/n' '/n' the above cmd will del all empty line

ls {*.wav,*.mp3}
the above cmd list all mp3 or wav files in current dir
ls {*.wav,*.mp3,*.log}
the above cmd list all mp3 or wav or log files in current dir

if [ $(date +%H) -ge 22 ]; then
echo whp; else
echo dll; fi
you can do diffrent work in diffrent time

grep 'd/+' test.txt
grep 'd/{1,/}' test.txt
the above cmd match lines which contain one or more 'd'

if you want to use xpdf,you must install /slackware/l/lesstif

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一些自己实践得出的技巧1:locate xboing test tar -cvf xboing.tar -T test gzip xboing.tar cp xboing.tar.gz /mnt/usb the above command can copy a software which have been installed on someone system to your own system^-^ #!/bin/sh for fname in *;do tmp=`echo $fname|t
标签: 自己的 技巧 一些
  • 热门焦点



