欢迎进入Linux社区论坛,与200万技术人员互动交流 >>进入 deeplin 11.6,在软件中心中搜mdbtools所有的包进行安装,应该是四个,一个基本包,一个devel包,一个lib包,一个gmdb(图形界面包) 前者是核心组件,后者是图形界面操作组件。 安装完成后,在“办
欢迎进入Linux社区论坛,与200万技术人员互动交流 >>进入
deeplin 11.6,在软件中心中搜mdbtools所有的包进行安装,应该是四个,一个基本包,一个devel包,一个lib包,一个gmdb(图形界面包)
安装完成后,在“办公”下面有一上"mdb viewer".或在命令行下输入“gmdb2".
附帮助文件中的内容:This will build some useful utilities:
mdb-ver ―― prints the version (JET 3 or 4) of an mdb file mdb-dump ―― simple hex dump utility that I've been using to look at mdb files mdb-schema ―― prints DDL for the specified table mdb-export ―― export table to CSV format mdb-tables ―― a simple dump of table names to be used with shell scripts mdb-header ―― generates a C header to be used in exporting mdb data to a C prog. mdb-parsecvs ―― generates a C program given a CSV file made with mdb-export mdb-sql ―― if ――enable-sql is specified, a simple SQL engine (also used by ODBC and gmdb)。
gmdb2 ―― a graphical utility to browse MDB files.
And some utilities useful for debugging:
prcat ―― prints the catalog table from an mdb file,prkkd ―― dump of information about design view data given the offset to it. prtable ―― dump of a table definition. prdata ―― dump of the data given a table name. prole ―― dump of ole columns given a table name and sargs.
Once MDB Tools has been compiled, libmdb.[so|a] will be in the src/libmdb directory and the utility programs will be in the src/util directory. You can then run 'make install' as root to install (to /usr/local by default)。
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