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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 20:03:11


MySQLforVisualStudio1.2.1betahasbeenreleased_MySQL:Dear MySQL users,MySQL for Visual Studio is a product including all of the Visual Studio integration previously available as part of Connector/Net. The 1.2.1 version is a beta release of this product which is feature complete but still can
导读MySQLforVisualStudio1.2.1betahasbeenreleased_MySQL:Dear MySQL users,MySQL for Visual Studio is a product including all of the Visual Studio integration previously available as part of Connector/Net. The 1.2.1 version is a beta release of this product which is feature complete but still can
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product including all of the Visual Studio integration previously available as part of Connector/Net. The 1.2.1 version is a beta release of this product which is feature complete but still can contain minor bugs and is not suitable for production environments.

This version is appropriate for use with MySQL Server versions 5.5-5.6.

MySQL Server 5.7 is also compatible but not fully supported yet.

As this is a beta version the MySQL for Visual Studio product can be downloaded only by using the product standalone installer at this link http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/visualstudio/

The 1.2.1 version includes the following new features:

  • A new MySQL Project Wizard for creating Windows Forms applications.
  • A new MySQL Project Wizard for creating ASP.NET MVC 3/4 web applications.
  • A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization Provider (this feature requires Connector/Net 6.9).
  • A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Site Map Provider (this feature requires Connector/Net 6.9).
  • MySQL Project Wizard for Windows Forms


    This wizard automates the generation of a .NET Windows Forms Application that is connected to a MySQL data source and supports CRUD operations. A Typed DataSet or an Entity Framework Model can also be generated to link the Application to the MySQL Database. In this version only one table can be selected in the wizard. This limitation will be replaced with a multiple tables wizard in the 1.2.2 upcoming version.

    Within the Wizard the user can select one of three options for the view type:

    Single Layout: A form that contains one control by each existing column in the table with navigation controls and that allows CRUD operations.

    All controls can include data typed validations for Numeric types and Datetime types.

    Grid layout: A form with a Grid that contains navigation controls.

    Master-Detail: A form with a single controls layout for the Parent table and a grid to navigate in the child table.

    Supported with C# or Visual Basic language.

    This feature requires Connector/Net 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

    For more details on the features included check the documentation at :



    MySQL Project Wizard for ASP.NET MVC 3


    The ASP.NET MVC Project Wizard is available at the Visual Studio New Project dialog, either at the MySql category or by filtering by name. It also can be accessed by using the MySQL Toolbar inside Visual Studio.

    This wizard automates the generation of an ASP.NET MVC 3/4 application that includes the MySQL Membership configuration to manage ASP.NET authentication. The login and create user views are generated by the wizard and it also includes the generation of multiple browsable views for each one of the tables selected for the application generation.

    The generation of the MVC items is done also with the creation of an Entity Framework data model either with Entity Framework version 5 or 6 depending on the user's selection.

    Supported with C# or Visual Basic language.

    This feature requires Connector/Net 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

    For more details on the features included check the documentation at :



    New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization Provider


    Personalization provider allows to store personalization state-state data regarding the content and layout of Web Parts pages-generated by the Web Parts personalization service using MySQL as a data source. This feature requires Connector/Net 6.9.x.


    New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Site Map Provider


    Site Map provider allows to show a hierarchical list of links that describe the structure of a site. This feature requires Connector/Net 6.9.x.



    For discussion, join the MySQL for Visual Studio forums:


    Download MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.1 beta from:


    Quick links

  • MySQL for Visual Studio documentationhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-net/en/connector-net-visual-studio.html
  • Bugs:http://bugs.mysql.com
  • Forums:http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?174
  • Blog:http://blogs.oracle.com/MySqlOnWindows/
  • Enjoy and thanks for the support!

    MySQL for Visual Studio Team.

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    MySQLforVisualStudio1.2.1betahasbeenreleased_MySQL:Dear MySQL users,MySQL for Visual Studio is a product including all of the Visual Studio integration previously available as part of Connector/Net. The 1.2.1 version is a beta release of this product which is feature complete but still can
    标签: 1.2 my for
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