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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 20:03:25


MySQLforExcel1.3.1RChasbeenreleased_MySQL:The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release ofMySQL for Excelversion 1.3.1. This is a RC release for 1.3.x.MySQL for Excelis an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulateMySQLdata
导读MySQLforExcel1.3.1RChasbeenreleased_MySQL:The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release ofMySQL for Excelversion 1.3.1. This is a RC release for 1.3.x.MySQL for Excelis an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulateMySQLdata

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release ofMySQL for Excelversion 1.3.1. This is a RC release for 1.3.x.

MySQL for Excelis an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulateMySQLdata withinMicrosoft Excel. It enables you to directly work with aMySQLdatabase from withinMicrosoft Excelso you can easily do tasks such as:

  • ImportingMySQL data intoExcel
  • ExportingExceldata directly intoMySQLto a new or existing table
  • EditingMySQLdata directly withinExcel
  • As this is a Release Candidate version theMySQL for Excelproduct can be downloaded only by using the product standalone installer at this link:


    Changes inMySQL for Excel1.3.1 (2014-07-02, Release Candidate)

    This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied toMySQL for Excelsince the release of 1.3.0. Several new features were added the 1.3.x branch, for more information seeWhat Is New In MySQL for Excel.

    Known limitations:

  • Upgrading from versionsMySQL for Excel1.2.0 and lower is not possible due to a bug fixed inMySQL for Excel1.2.1. In that scenario, the old version (MySQL for Excel1.2.0 or lower) must be uninstalled first. Upgrading from version 1.2.1 works correctly.
  • PivotTables are normally placed to the right (skipping one column) of the imported data, they will not be created if there is another existingExcelobject at that position.
  • Functionality Added or Changed

  • When reopening a saved Excel workbook that contains importedMySQLdata,MySQL for Excelattempts to reconnect theExceltables with the correspondingMySQLdatabases where the imported MySQLdata was imported from. If theMySQLconnections are not found, then a new dialog prompts you to either ignore, create, or delete the missing connections. Ignore allows you to work offline, and the dialog will open the next time theExcelworkbook is opened. (Bug #18961860, Bug #72966)
  • + now selects all tables and views in theDatabase Objectsselection panel. (Bug #18961544, Bug #72963)
  • Bugs Fixed

  • Data could not be imported from a remoteMySQLserver.
  • Bug #19012634
  • Bug #73040
  • TheEdit Connectiondialog was not populated with information from the selectedMySQLconnection.
  • Bug #18968777
  • Bug #72990
  • InExcel2013, importing the same table twice in the sameExcelworksheet failed after deleting theExceltable linked to in the first report.
  • Bug #18962670
  • Bug #72976
  • Data could not be imported to the left of previously imported data if the new data intersected with the existing import.
  • Bug #18962617
  • Bug #72975
  • After importing data, clickingRefresh Allfrom theDatatab would fail to refresh the data, and it generated an "Initialization of the data source failed" error.
  • Bug #18962538
  • Bug #72974
  • When exporting data, a duplicate entry was sent to theMySQLserver when data was exported to a new table with theFirst Row Contains Column Namescheckbox deselected. The generated error was similar to "Error while inserting rows... MySQL Error 1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'".
  • Bug #18962470
  • Bug #72973
  • With theCreate a Pivot Table with the imported dataoption enabled, Data Import failed to create a PivotTable for tables that contained a large data set.
  • Bug #18962371
  • Bug #72972
  • When importing tables, thePick related Tables or Viewsfeature did not function in Excel 2007 or Excel 2010, but did in Excel 2013.
  • Bug #18962354
  • Bug #72971
  • For new columns, theExport Datadialog would not accept manually typed in data types that contained a parenthesis, such as ENUM.
  • Bug #18962214
  • Bug #72970
  • Line and LinearRing were removed from the list of valid data types, so they no longer appear in theExport Datadialog's data type combo box.
  • Bug #18962184
  • Bug #72969
  • Hovering over elements in theMySQLconnecting and object listing could cause the text of each item to be bold.
  • Bug #18962130
  • Bug #72968
  • Imported data would not refresh if the table name was changed inExcelduring the import. The table name is no longer used to verify theMySQLconnection.
  • Bug #18961806
  • Bug #72964
  • Edit Sessions would fail to restore with sessions that contained tables with zero DATETIME values. Edit Sessions would also fail to restore whenMySQL for Excelwas started on a currently opened Excel workbook.
  • Bug #18889495
  • Bug #72842
  • Attempting to import a table with ENUM values would fail with an "Input string was not in a correct format." error.
  • Bug #18728748
  • Bug #72434
  • Bug #18962214
  • Bug #72970
  • Quick links:

  • You can access the MySQL for Excel documentation athttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/en/mysql-for-excel.html.
  • You can find our team's blog athttp://blogs.oracle.com/MySQLOnWindows.
  • You can also post questions on our MySQL for Excel forum found athttp://forums.mysql.com/list.php?172.
  • You can follow our videos on our YouTube channel found athttp://www.youtube.com/user/MySQLChannel.
  • Enjoy and thanks for the support!

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    MySQLforExcel1.3.1RChasbeenreleased_MySQL:The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release ofMySQL for Excelversion 1.3.1. This is a RC release for 1.3.x.MySQL for Excelis an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulateMySQLdata
    标签: excel 1.3 for
    • 热门焦点



