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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 20:03:03


SMP3.0:IntegrationGatewaywithMySQLDatasource(Part4)_MySQL:Troubleshooting:1. Error while installation of MySQL Installer. Unable to update security settings:Acess denied for user 'root@localhost' Solution : Run cmd. Go to bin folder of the MySQL installer run this command: mysqladmin -u root
导读SMP3.0:IntegrationGatewaywithMySQLDatasource(Part4)_MySQL:Troubleshooting:1. Error while installation of MySQL Installer. Unable to update security settings:Acess denied for user 'root@localhost' Solution : Run cmd. Go to bin folder of the MySQL installer run this command: mysqladmin -u root


1. Error while installation of MySQL Installer.

Unable to update security settings:Acess denied for user 'root@localhost'


Solution :

  • Run cmd. Go to bin folder of the MySQL installer
  • run this command: mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password
  • 1.png

  • After that manually start the MySQL56 service. (services.msc) and make sure its running.
  • 1.png

    2. If you are trying to access MySQL server (machine) from other system, then make sure you change "Limit to Hosts Matching" to %. Click on 'Apply'


    3. If there is any issue for making MySQL jar file as OSGi enabled, you can download it from here .

    And then can directly deploy to SMP 3.0 server(Part 2- step 8)

    4. While installing the GWPA component, if you encounter with below error. (Assuming you are external resource through a proxy)

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.

    Software being installed: Toolkit for Integration Gateway (GWPA, Developer Edition) 1.1.1 (com.sap.odata.dt.framework.sap.smp.feature.feature.group 1.1.1)

    Missing requirement: SAP Command Framework - HTTP communication (apache) 1.6.0 (com.sap.it.commons.command.http.apacheclient 1.6.0) requires 'package org.apache.http [4.1.0,5.0.0)' but it could not be found

    Solution : Make you set the proxy details

    1. Go to Window>Preferences in Mobile Workspace
    2. Preferences box prompt out, choose " Network Connections "
    3. Select " Manual " from Action Provider in the drop-down
    4. Select " HTTP " >Click on " Edit "
    5. Provide required proxy details with port number.
    6. Restart eclipse.

    5. While testing the SMP server connection for Integration Gateway (Windows>Preferences>OData Development>Integration Gateway)


    Solution : Make sure you install the latest JDK (1.7) or JRE7 to avoid this kind of issue.

    6. Error during OData model deployment to SMP server,

    "Deployment cannot be completed for xxxsevice".

    Make sure you configure SMP server to use the same proxy settings that you must have entered in the eclipse. Refer this link. How to configure SMP 3.0 to use proxy to access external resource

    7. While opening service document, if you encounter with HTTP 403 - Requested URL is not valid message.


    Solution : Replacing localhost by system host/ipaddress worked for me.

    For more information and updates follow SAP Mobile Platform Developer Center ,SAP for Mobile

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    SMP3.0:IntegrationGatewaywithMySQLDatasource(Part4)_MySQL:Troubleshooting:1. Error while installation of MySQL Installer. Unable to update security settings:Acess denied for user 'root@localhost' Solution : Run cmd. Go to bin folder of the MySQL installer run this command: mysqladmin -u root
    标签: mysql data with
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