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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 20:01:15


MySQLInnerJoin–UpdateValuesFromAnotherTable_MySQL:IntroductionIn this post, were going to learn how to update amysql tablecolumn with the values from another table column usinginner join.Query SyntaxUPDATE [table1_name] AS t1 IN
导读MySQLInnerJoin–UpdateValuesFromAnotherTable_MySQL:IntroductionIn this post, were going to learn how to update amysql tablecolumn with the values from another table column usinginner join.Query SyntaxUPDATE [table1_name] AS t1 IN


In this post, we’re going to learn how to update amysql tablecolumn with the values from another table column usinginner join.

Query Syntax

UPDATE [table1_name] AS t1 INNER JOIN [table2_name] AS t2 ON t1.[column1_name] = t2.[column1_name] SET t1.[column2_name] = t2.[column2_name];


Replace all “[ ]” with the values of your table properties.

  • [table1_name] – This is the name of the table which you’re going to update which is represented as t1
  • [table2_name] – This is the table, from which your’re going to take the values which is represented as t2
  • t1.[column1_name] – This is the column which is going to link two tables (t2.[column1_name]) using inner join
  • t1.[column2_name] – This is the column which is going to be updated with the values from t2.[column2_name]
  • Example

    UPDATE student_marks AS t1 INNER JOIN student_profile AS t2 ON t1.student_id = t2.student_id SET t1.student_name = t2.student_name;

    I hope this helps you. Share this post and comment your doubts below if you have any.

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    MySQLInnerJoin–UpdateValuesFromAnotherTable_MySQL:IntroductionIn this post, were going to learn how to update amysql tablecolumn with the values from another table column usinginner join.Query SyntaxUPDATE [table1_name] AS t1 IN
    标签: update mysql table
    • 热门焦点



