select stuid,max(score) from stu_select_class;
// 查询各科总分2-3名的学生
select stuid, sum(score) from stu_select_class group by stuid limit 1,2;
select classname,stuid,max(score) from stu_select_class group by classname;
select stuid, sum(score) from stu_select_class group by stuid having sum(score)<140;
select stuid, avg(score) from stu_select_class group by stuid having avg(score) between 60 and 80;
select stuid, sum(score),avg(score) from stu_select_class group by stuid having sum(score)<140 and avg(score) <80;
select distinct count( stuid) from stu_select_class group by stuid having sum(score)<140 and avg(score) <80;
select count(distinct stuid) from stu_select_class where classname='english' and score <100;
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