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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 19:32:00


BuildingaWebApplicationwithPHPandMariaDB–BookRevi_MySQL:MariaDB Another great book by PacktPub , covering MariaDB and PHP. The book starts with Database basics and quickly takes the reader to CRUD operations, REST API, PHP functions. This is a reference guide, developers with knowledge of PHP,
导读BuildingaWebApplicationwithPHPandMariaDB–BookRevi_MySQL:MariaDB Another great book by PacktPub , covering MariaDB and PHP. The book starts with Database basics and quickly takes the reader to CRUD operations, REST API, PHP functions. This is a reference guide, developers with knowledge of PHP,

Another great book by PacktPub , covering MariaDB and PHP. The book starts with Database basics and quickly takes the reader to CRUD operations, REST API, PHP functions.

This is a reference guide, developers with knowledge of PHP, MariaDB (and/or MySQL) should get this book as a desktop guide and also for refreshing their knowledge, since a lot of things have been added to PHP 5+ and MariaDB, so syntax and best practices is what developers could learn from this book. For example, there is a new short array declaration in PHP 5.4 which allows squre brackets to be used to declare arrays.

 $arr2 = [1,2,3,4];

This is something I learned from the book as well. Chapter 3 of the book has more. I will not reveal it all :)

Chapter 4 gives a practical approach to building a PHP, MariaDB MVC application (Yes but don’t use it to build another Laravel clone please !! )

Chapter 8 is interesting, it covers REST API and XML Feeds, something Web and Mobile developers would love.

Overall the book is a great package for a LAMP guy/gal, but I feel for a reference guide there needs to be more content. But nevertheless a must have for PHP, MariaDB developers, this book certainly teaches you a few new tricks. Buy it from PactPub.com at http://bit.ly/1qrqMQx

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BuildingaWebApplicationwithPHPandMariaDB–BookRevi_MySQL:MariaDB Another great book by PacktPub , covering MariaDB and PHP. The book starts with Database basics and quickly takes the reader to CRUD operations, REST API, PHP functions. This is a reference guide, developers with knowledge of PHP,
标签: php and wi
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