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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 19:31:07


ASimpleMySQLDailyBackupScript_MySQL:06.23.2014|69 views|Related MicroZone ResourcesClustrix WhitepapersINFOGRAPHIC: The Future of the DatabaseWhat We Offer: Clustrix FeaturesProven in Production: Clustrix Case StudiesLike this piece Share it with your friends:|MoreUsing the
导读ASimpleMySQLDailyBackupScript_MySQL:06.23.2014|69 views|Related MicroZone ResourcesClustrix WhitepapersINFOGRAPHIC: The Future of the DatabaseWhat We Offer: Clustrix FeaturesProven in Production: Clustrix Case StudiesLike this piece Share it with your friends:|MoreUsing the

06.23.2014|69 views|

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Future of the Database

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Using the MySQL export script I've showed from thelast post(assuming you saved it in a file named "$HOME/database-export.sh"), you may now perform a daily backup with your crontab service like this.

#file: mysql-backups.shDIR=`dirname $0`echo "Backup DB with export script."$DIR/database-export.shecho "Moving exported files into backup dir."DB_BAK_DIR=$HOME/mysql-backups/`date +%a`echo "Removing old file (if exists) and saving new backup into $DB_BAK_DIR"if [[ -e $DB_BAK_DIR ]]; thenrm -fv $DB_BAK_DIR/*elsemkdir -p $DB_BAK_DIRficp -v $DIR/*.sql $DB_BAK_DIR

This script should create a daily folder under your home directory, for example like "$HOME/mysql-backups/Mon", "Tue", "Wed" etc. It should save up to 7 days in a week if you run this with a daily cron job.

# crontab -e@daily $HOME/mysql-backups.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

This is not the most robust way of backing up your DB, but it's a simple solution if you just want something quick up and running without worry too much.

Published at DZone with permission ofZemian Deng, author and DZone MVB. (source)

(Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)

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    ASimpleMySQLDailyBackupScript_MySQL:06.23.2014|69 views|Related MicroZone ResourcesClustrix WhitepapersINFOGRAPHIC: The Future of the DatabaseWhat We Offer: Clustrix FeaturesProven in Production: Clustrix Case StudiesLike this piece Share it with your friends:|MoreUsing the
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