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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 19:33:42


AddingsummaryfieldswhenimportingMySQLdatawithMySQLf_MySQL:Welcome to another blog post from theMySQL for ExcelTeam. Today we're going to talk about a new feature included since MySQL for Excel1.3.0, remember you can always install the latest GA or maintenance version using theMySQL Installer also
导读AddingsummaryfieldswhenimportingMySQLdatawithMySQLf_MySQL:Welcome to another blog post from theMySQL for ExcelTeam. Today we're going to talk about a new feature included since MySQL for Excel1.3.0, remember you can always install the latest GA or maintenance version using theMySQL Installer also
Welcome to another blog post from theMySQL for ExcelTeam. Today we're going to talk about a new feature included since MySQL for Excel1.3.0, remember you can always install the latest GA or maintenance version using theMySQL Installer also you can download directly any GA or non-GA version from theMySQL Developer Zone


Thinking about how we can makeMySQL for Excelusers life more easy we added an option to include a calculation-summary row to theImport Data process. We are going to show you in this post how to take advantage of this new option in a few clicks.

The current blog post assumes you already know how to import data into excel, you could always take a look at our previous postHow To - Guide to Importing Data from a MySQL Database to Excel using MySQL for Excel if you need further reference on that topic.

When you are importing a table toExcelyou will notice this option at theImportdialog:

Check that option before pressing theImportbutton.

Once you did that, check the last row from the data you imported and you will notice a new row at the end:

If you select a a cell from that row you will notice an arrow appears:

if you click it a set of summary options will appear, allowing you to customize how the data in the upper cells will be processed to show the result in this last row:

for this blog we have selectedSumto show an example of how this works:

And that's it! We learned how to add summary fields to our data imports to excel easily. Remember that your feedback is very important for us, please drop us a message with your comments, suggestions for this or other features and follow us at our social media channels:

  • MySQL on Windows (this) Blog: https://blogs.oracle.com/MySqlOnWindows/
  • MySQL for Excel forum: http://forums.mysql.com/list.php?172
  • Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mysql
  • YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MySQLChannel
  • Cheers!

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    AddingsummaryfieldswhenimportingMySQLdatawithMySQLf_MySQL:Welcome to another blog post from theMySQL for ExcelTeam. Today we're going to talk about a new feature included since MySQL for Excel1.3.0, remember you can always install the latest GA or maintenance version using theMySQL Installer also
    标签: mysql data date
    • 热门焦点



