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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 10:03:19


sql查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句:sql 查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句 //我们要用就以学生成绩为实例吧 /* 结构 学生表 Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) --S# 学生编号,Sname 学生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 学生性别 --2.课程表 Course(C#,Cname,T#) --C# --课程编
导读sql查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句:sql 查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句 //我们要用就以学生成绩为实例吧 /* 结构 学生表 Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) --S# 学生编号,Sname 学生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 学生性别 --2.课程表 Course(C#,Cname,T#) --C# --课程编

sql 查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句

Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) --S# 学生编号,Sname 学生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 学生性别
Course(C#,Cname,T#) --C# --课程编号,Cname 课程名称,T# 教师编号


select m.C# [课程编号], m.Cname [课程名称],
max(n.score) [最高分],
min(n.score) [最低分],
cast(avg(n.score) as decimal(18,2)) [平均分],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 60)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [及格率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 70 and score < 80 )*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [中等率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 80 and score < 90 )*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [优良率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 90)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [优秀率(%)]
from Course m , SC n
where m.C# = n.C#
group by m.C# , m.Cname
order by m.C#
select m.C# [课程编号], m.Cname [课程名称],
(select max(score) from SC where C# = m.C#) [最高分],
(select min(score) from SC where C# = m.C#) [最低分],
(select cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)) from SC where C# = m.C#) [平均分],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 60)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [及格率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 70 and score < 80 )*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [中等率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 80 and score < 90 )*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [优良率(%)],
cast((select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C# and score >= 90)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where C# = m.C#) as decimal(18,2)) [优秀率(%)]
from Course m
order by m.C#

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sql查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句:sql 查询最高分、最低分和平均分语句 //我们要用就以学生成绩为实例吧 /* 结构 学生表 Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) --S# 学生编号,Sname 学生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 学生性别 --2.课程表 Course(C#,Cname,T#) --C# --课程编
标签: 查询 sql 平均
  • 热门焦点



