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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 15:42:09


ApacheHTTP服务器2.2文档:MappingURLstoFilesystemLocations 从 URL 映射到文件系统 DocumentRoot 文档根目录 Indecidingwhatfiletoserveforagivenrequest,Apache'sdefaultbehavioristotake theURL-Pathfortherequest(theparto
导读ApacheHTTP服务器2.2文档:MappingURLstoFilesystemLocations 从 URL 映射到文件系统 DocumentRoot 文档根目录 Indecidingwhatfiletoserveforagivenrequest,Apache'sdefaultbehavioristotake theURL-Pathfortherequest(theparto

MappingURLstoFilesystemLocations 从 URL 映射到文件系统 DocumentRoot 文档根目录 Indecidingwhatfiletoserveforagivenrequest,Apache'sdefaultbehavioristotake theURL-Pathfortherequest(thepartoftheURLfollowingthehostnameandport)andaddittotheendof

Mapping URLs to Filesystem Locations

从 URL 映射到文件系统



In deciding what file to serve for a given request, Apache's default behavior is to take

the URL-Path for the request (the part of the URL following the hostname and port) and add it to the end of the DocumentRoot specified in your configuration files.


Therefore, the files and directories underneath the DocumentRoot make up the basic document tree which will be visible from the web.


For example, if DocumentRoot were set to /var/www/html then a request for http://www.example.com/fish/guppies.html would result in the file /var/www/html/fish/guppies.html being served to the requesting client.


Apache is also capable of Virtual Hosting, where the server receives requests for more than one host.


In this case, a different DocumentRoot can be specified for each virtual host, or alternatively, the directives provided by the module mod_vhost_alias can be used to dynamically determine the appropriate place from which to serve content based on the requested IP address or hostname.


The DocumentRoot directive is set in your main server configuration file (httpd.conf) and, possibly, once per additional Virtual Host you create.

每当你新建一个额外的虚拟主机的时候,文档根目录指令将会在你的主服务器配置文件(httpd.conf) 里被设置。

Files Outside the DocumentRoot


There are frequently circumstances where it is necessary to allow web access to parts of the filesystem that are not strictly underneath the DocumentRoot.


Apache offers several different ways to accomplish this.

Apache 提供了几种完成这种工作的方法。

On Unix systems, symbolic links can bring other parts of the filesystem under the DocumentRoot.


For security reasons, Apache will follow symbolic links only if the Options setting for the relevant directory includes FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch.


Alternatively, the Alias directive will map any part of the filesystem into the web space. For example, with

Alias /docs /var/web

the URL http://www.example.com/docs/dir/file.html will be served from /var/web/dir/file.html.


Alias /docs /var/web

url地址为http://www.example.com/docs/dir/file.html 的页面请求将用/var/web/dir/file.html页面来响应请求。

The ScriptAlias directive works the same way, with the additional effect that all content located at the target path is treated as CGI scripts.


For situations where you require additional flexibility, you can use the AliasMatch and ScriptAliasMatch directives to do powerful regular expression based matching and substitution. For example,

在你需要更灵活的情况下,AliasMatch 和 ScriptAliasMatch命令可以让你使用基于匹配和替换的正则表达式。例如,

ScriptAliasMatch ^/~([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/cgi-bin/(.+) /home/$1/cgi-bin/$2

will map a request to http://example.com/~user/cgi-bin/script.cgi to the path /home/user/cgi-bin/script.cgi and will treat the resulting file as a CGI script.

将会映射http://example.com/~user/cgi-bin/script.cgi的页面请求为/home/user/cgi-bin/script.cgi,并且将最后的文件视为一个CGI 脚本。

User Directories


Traditionally on Unix systems, the home directory of a particular user can be referred to as ~user/. The module mod_userdir extends this idea to the web by allowing files under each user's home directory to be accessed using URLs such as the following.

一般来说,在unix系统上,一个用户的主目录可以以~user/来引用。模块mod_userdir 拓展这个思想到了网络,它允许通过url地址来访问位于用户主目录下的文件。如下:


For security reasons, it is inappropriate to give direct access to a user's home directory from the web. Therefore, the UserDir directive specifies a directory underneath the user's home directory where web files are located. Using the default setting of Userdir public_html, the above URL maps to a file at a directory like

/home/user/public_html/file.html where /home/user/ is the user's home directory as specified in /etc/passwd.

出于安全方面的考虑,从网络上直接可以访问用户主目录是不合适的。因此,UserDir命令指定一个位于用户主目录之下的目录用于存放网页文件。使用默认的Userdir public_html设置,上述的url将被映射到某个文件夹下某个的文件,例如:

/home/user/public_html/file.html 。/home/user/是用户的主目录,在/etc/passwd.中被指定。

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ApacheHTTP服务器2.2文档:MappingURLstoFilesystemLocations 从 URL 映射到文件系统 DocumentRoot 文档根目录 Indecidingwhatfiletoserveforagivenrequest,Apache'sdefaultbehavioristotake theURL-Pathfortherequest(theparto
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