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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 15:41:37


Oracle学习.数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件的理解:什么是数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件? 首先从Oracle的官方文档里摘录下面内容: The following divs explain the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files
导读Oracle学习.数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件的理解:什么是数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件? 首先从Oracle的官方文档里摘录下面内容: The following divs explain the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files

什么是数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件? 首先从Oracle的官方文档里摘录下面内容: The following divs explain the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files, and control files 下面几段内容将解释一



The following divs explain the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files, and control files



Every Oracle database has one or more physical datafiles. The datafiles contain all the database data. The data of logical database structures, such as tables and indexes, is physically stored in the datafiles allocated for a database.

The characteristics of datafiles are:

  • A datafile can be associated with only one database.

  • Datafiles can have certain characteristics set to let them automatically extend when the database runs out of space.

  • One or more datafiles form a logical unit of database storage called a tablespace.

  • Data in a datafile is read, as needed, during normal database operation and stored in the memory cache of Oracle. For example, assume that a user wants to access some data in a table of a database. If the requested information is not already in the memory cache for the database, then it is read from the appropriate datafiles and stored in memory.

    Modified or new data is not necessarily written to a datafile immediately. To reduce the amount of disk access and to increase performance, data is pooled in memory and written to the appropriate datafiles all at once, as determined by the database writer process (DBWn) background process.











    Control Files
    Every Oracle database has a control file. A control file contains entries that specify the physical structure of the database. For example, it contains the following information:

    Database name

    Names and locations of datafiles and redo log files

    Time stamp of database creation

    Oracle can multiplex the control file, that is, simultaneously maintain a number of identical control file copies, to protect against a failure involving the control file.

    Every time an instance of an Oracle database is started, its control file identifies the database and redo log files that must be opened for database operation to proceed. If the physical makeup of the database is altered (for example, if a new datafile or redo log file is created), then the control file is automatically modified by Oracle to reflect the change. A control file is also used in database recovery.





    Redo Log Files
    Every Oracle database has a set of two or more redo log files. The set of redo log files is collectively known as the redo log for the database. A redo log is made up of redo entries (also called redo records).

    The primary function of the redo log is to record all changes made to data. If a failure prevents modified data from being permanently written to the datafiles, then the changes can be obtained from the redo log, so work is never lost.
    To protect against a failure involving the redo log itself, Oracle allows a multiplexed redo log so that two or more copies of the redo log can be maintained on different disks.

    The information in a redo log file is used only to recover the database from a system or media failure that prevents database data from being written to the datafiles. For example, if an unexpected power outage terminates database operation, then data in memory cannot be written to the datafiles, and the data is lost. However, lost data can be recovered when the database is opened, after power is restored. By applying the information in the most recent redo log files to the database datafiles, Oracle restores the database to the time at which the power failure occurred.

    The process of applying the redo log during a recovery operation is called rolling forward.


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    Oracle学习.数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件的理解:什么是数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件? 首先从Oracle的官方文档里摘录下面内容: The following divs explain the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files
    标签: 控制 文件 数据
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