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来源:懂视网 责编:小采 时间:2020-11-09 15:04:39


管理集群中的crs管理员:管理集群中的 crs 管理员 oracle Managing CRS Administrators in the Cluster Use the following commands to manage CRS Administrators in the cluster: The CRS Administrator is a predefined
导读管理集群中的crs管理员:管理集群中的 crs 管理员 oracle Managing CRS Administrators in the Cluster Use the following commands to manage CRS Administrators in the cluster: The CRS Administrator is a predefined

管理集群中的 crs 管理员 oracle Managing CRS Administrators in the Cluster Use the following commands to manage CRS Administrators in the cluster: The CRS Administrator is a predefined administrator role in Oracle Clusterware that controls

管理集群中的 crs 管理员

oracle Managing CRS Administrators in the Cluster
Use the following commands to manage CRS Administrators in the cluster:

The CRS Administrator is a predefined administrator role in Oracle Clusterware that
controls the creation of server pools. Users to whom you grant the CRS Administrator
role can grant or revoke access to system resources only for server pools. The CRS
Administrator role does not influence administrative rights on the server.

■ 查询crs administrators :
$ crsctl query crs administrator

■添加crs administrator:

To enable role-separated management and grant privileges to non-permanent CRS
Administrators, you must add specific users to the CRS Administrators list. As a permanent CRS Administrator, run the following command:

# crsctl add crs administrator -u user_name

The default asterisk (*) value is replaced by the user or users you add using this command.

■ To remove specific users from the group of CRS Administrators:
# crsctl delete crs administrator -u user_name

■ To make all users CRS Administrators, add the asterisk (*) value back to the list, as

# crsctl add crs administrator -u "*"

The asterisk (*) value must be enclosed in double quotation marks (""). This value
replaces any previously specified users in the CRS Administrators list.

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管理集群中的crs管理员:管理集群中的 crs 管理员 oracle Managing CRS Administrators in the Cluster Use the following commands to manage CRS Administrators in the cluster: The CRS Administrator is a predefined
标签: 中的 管理员 管理
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