时间:2023-09-14 22:55:28
My hometown is Shaoyang .Although it is just a small city in Hunan province ,I love my hometown .One of the reason is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai'e .It is very beatuful。
导读My hometown is Shaoyang .Although it is just a small city in Hunan province ,I love my hometown .One of the reason is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai'e .It is very beatuful。
My hometown is Shaoyang .Although it is just a small city in Hunan province ,I love my hometown .One of the reason is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai'e .It is very beatuful
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My hometown is Shaoyang .Although it is just a small city in Hunan province ,I love my hometown .One of the reason is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai'e .It is very beatuful。