

  • 不仅而且英语造句

    1、Not only does the corkboard provide you with some history, it's also a window into the future.这些东西不只能让您了解历史,更是通向未来的一扇窗户。2、That includes not only college students but parents, professors, even business executives.这些人中不仅仅包括大学生,还有他们的父...
  • 二十六个字母 26个英语怎么读

    上海数都信息科技有限公司是一家科技型的设计公司,团队深耕企业品牌设计服务已有十余年,已助力多家企业塑造其品牌形象及体验,服务内容含:LOGO设计/VI设计/产品包装设计/导视店面门头及空间设计,吉祥物设计/海报设计等。 我们的目标是帮助小...
  • 英语词组造句,给分

    1. We must abide by revolutionary discipline. 我们必须遵守纪律。2. She will abide by her promise. 她会遵守诺言的。3. Always abide by the channel rules. 请始终遵守频道的规则。4. Both parties shall abide by the contractual stipulations. 双方都应遵守合同规定。5. Understand and ...
  • 初中英语短语造句!

    10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with同意 12. ahead of time / schedule提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时 16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍...
  • 或许用英语怎么造句?

    或许用英语造句 1、Perhaps we'll have the chance to meet again in the future.或许我们将来还有机会见面。2、Maybe we can try a different approach to see if it works better.也许我们可以尝试不同的方法,看看是否更有效。3、Possibly the most important thing is to stay positive and not...
  • 英语造句..在线等...

    3.He failed after all.他还是失败了。4.He walked ahead of her.他走在她的前面。5.They arrived ahead of time.他们提前到达。6.All at once the door opened.门突然开了。7.I'm all but ready.我快准备好了。8.All of a sudden he stopped.他突然停了下来。9.I ache all over.我...
  • 英语造句,谢谢了!

    be back:He will be back in few days. 几天后他将要回来。be out:I will be out for my morning exercises. 他将出去做早操。be in:My father is not in, he has gone to work.我父亲不在家,他已经上班去了。be over:I am glad to hear that verything has been over.我很高兴听到...
  • 12个英语词组造句

    1.We will hold a meeting this afternoon.2. I decided to stay at home.3. I don't want to vote for George.W.Bush.4. He has taken charge of this project.5. You should take notes during class.6. We had talked over this issue.7. For example, I like ice cream in Mc ...
  • 随便八句,英语单词造句,初3的

    2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness,...
  • 初三英语短语造句,如下,

    1. I hand in homework everyday. 我每天都交作业 2. I dropped by my friend's home last night. 我昨晚顺便去了我朋友家 3. After all, the exam is very difficult. 考试终究很难 4. You should make your friend feel at home. 你应该让你朋友感觉在家一样 5. Mind your table ...
  • 找10个英语短语造句

    2、how does the story end up ?3、You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.6、Do not laugh at him,he is very sensitive。Take note of what I say and do not forget it.How many countries make up the Common Market?We regard labour as a matter of honour.In ...
  • 1、右击PDF文件。2、将鼠标悬浮在“打开方式”,点击选择其他应用。3、接着在应用列表中,点击Word,再点击确定。4、然后在弹窗中点击确定,等待转换完成。5、点击上方“文件”,再点击另存为。6、选择保存文件的位置,点击保存即可。
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  • 员工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病需要暂停工作一段时间接受工伤医疗的,用人单位需要负责,要进行工伤鉴定,确定工伤伤残程度。在停工留薪期间内,原工资福利待遇不变,由所在单位按月支付。
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