

  • 用come in造句

    He often asked Philip to come in for a chat.他经常邀菲利浦进来闲谈。His wife dashed in breathlessly.他的妻子上气不接下气地冲了进来。The searchlights were ineffectual in the fog.探照灯在雾中不起作用。The new traffic regulations have come into play.新的交通规则起作用了。Reports are...
  • come in为进来时造句?

    If you want to come in on the scheme, you must decide now.你要参与这项计划就必须现在决定.
  • come in为进来时造句

    Oh good, Tom's just come in 哦,太好了,汤姆刚巧进来了。May I come in?我好进来吗?
  • come in造句

    If you want to come in on the scheme, you must decide now.你要参与这项计划就必须现在决定。
  • read /cone in 造句

    I like to read books。我喜欢读书 Come in,the door is open。进来,门没关 满意请采纳,谢谢
  • come in for 是什么意思?造句句子吧,谢谢

    请务必来吃饭。Come in for a large estate 继承大笔房地产 What did I come in for?我进来干嘛来着?Can you come in for in interview sometime today?你今天是不是可以找个时间过来谈一下。I've come in for my book.我来取我的书。Come for a spin in my car.来乘我的汽车去兜风吧...
  • 谁能给我最短的短语+造句100个如题 谢谢了

    暑假英语短语100条+造句 暑假英语作业,拿了不顶的太辜负我的耐心了. 1)come back造句:They come back here for lunch. 2)come down造句:Please come down to the office. 3)come in造句:Pray, come in with me. 4)come on造句:The racing results come on. 5)come out造句:D...
  • 帮我解决一下用come的十个英语造句

    I am goinng,maybe without coming back forever.4.come down:她的头发下垂到腰部。Her hair is coming down till the waist.5.come from:他出生于一个很好的家庭。He cames from a good family.6.come in :请他进来(祈使句)Let him come in7.come into one's mind :你曾经想起过...
  • 有关come的短语造句

    May I come in? come in 进来 This book came out yesterday . come out 出版 My dream will come true soon. come true 实现 He came up with a new idea at the meeting. come up with想出 She comes from China. come from 来自 ...
  • 用come造句 求答案

    Come here, please.Come in.
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