

  • russian是什么意思

    She has studied Russian for five years.她已经学了五年俄语了。Recently,he has been devoting himself in reading Russian novels.最近他一直埋头于小说。Russians are enthusiastic about the economic development of China.人对中国的经济发展很感兴趣。To import from Russia,a Ukrainian firm ...
  • russian造句简单

    6、Russian is easier to learn than English.俄语比英语好学。7、Russian is still used extensively.俄语仍然被广泛使用。8、Apart from extractive industries and metal, few Russian goods are competitive.除了采掘业和金属业,俄罗斯商品几乎没有竞争力。9、We have a English- Russian dictionary.我...
  • 英语单词造句,共34个,高手进!!!(悬赏丰厚,好的还可以加)

    1、village: He lives in a village.2、imagine: I can't imaigne that terrible thing!3、soup: I do not like any kind of soup.4、cheese: I like having cheese.5、pie: My mother likes eatting pie.6、biscuit: He doesn't know how to make biscuits.7、pancake: I like eatting...
  • 用第三人称单数造句

    5、He's got an O level in Russian.他通过了俄语普通证书考试。
  • 带有的chili英语句子

    9.Do you speak Russian?.你会说俄语吗?10.Fry the potato until it turns brown.将马铃薯炒到变成棕色(微焦)为止。11.He spread butter on his bread.我们把奶油涂到面包上。12.Does he full of brilliance?他是不是很有才华?问题补充:1.I like to jog in the evening.我喜欢在傍晚慢跑...
  • 英语造句!!! 求答案!!

    have a good command of 精通,通晓 They have a good command of the basic vocabulary.他们对基本词汇掌握得很牢。改为:they command that mastered the basic vocabulary.
  • 急!!!菜鸟英语的问题!!!

    Thomas has studied Russian. (现在不再学俄语) Thomas has studied Russian for three years. (=Thomas began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.(同第2点用法第一个例句) 7. 现在完成时还可以用来表示过去的一个时间到现在这段时间内重复发生的动作. We have had four ...
  • 用英语和爸爸干什么造句

    I go to the park with my father.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!
  • 英语短语造句

    6. He sets up a new club. 他建立了一个新的俱乐部。7.这里应该是link up 不是tink up 吧?The Russian and American armies linked up for the first time. 俄美两军首次会师。8. I wrote that song just to cheer myself up. 我写那首歌是给我自己打气的。
  • 用end造句五个

    You will have the chance to ask questions at the end.最后你会有提问的机会。She began to weep. That ended our discussion.她哭了起来,我们的讨论到此结束。The markets ended the week on a quiet note.全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。The book ends on a lengthy description of ...
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