smoke的双解释义是:n.(名词)[U] 烟 visible vapour with particles of carbon coming from a burning substance[S] 吸烟 an act or period of smoking。smoke形容词:smokable;过去式:smoked;过去分词:smoked;现在分词:smoking;第三人称单数:smokes。smoke的读音是英[sm??k];美[smo?k]。
face的双解释义是:n.(名词)[C]脸,面孔 the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead and hair[C]面容,面部表情 a look or expression on the face[C]外表,外貌 appearance[C][U]表面,面貌 the front, outer, or most important surface of sth[U]面子,威严 a state of being respected by others。face的意思是n.表面;脸;表情;v.面对;面向;朝。face的读音是英[fe?s];美[fe?s]。
effect的双解释义是:n.(名词)[C][U]结果,效果,影响 a result or condition produced by a cause; sth that happens when one thing acts on another[C][U]感受,印象 a result produced on the mind or feelings[P]个人财产,财物 personal property。effect的意思是n.效应;结果;影响;印象;效果;要旨;v.使产生;引起。effect形容词:effectible;名词:effecter;过去式:effected;过去分词:effected;现在分词:effecting;第三人称单数:effects。